FireAid – BENEFIT CONCERT Get Ready Playlist

A get ready playlist of the FireAid Benefit Concert on 1/30/25 at Intuit Dome and the Kia Forum with Billie Eilish, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Gracie Abrams, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Pink, Gwen Stefani, Tate McRae, Earth, Wind & Fire, Green Day, Jelly Roll, Joni Mitchell, Lil Baby, Rod Stewart, Sting, Stephen Stills, Stevie Nicks, Dave Matthews, and John Mayer
Get Your Playlist Here:

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Join us for an evening of music and solidarity. The FireAid benefit concert will be held at Intuit Dome and Kia Forum on January 30th dedicated to rebuilding communities that have been devastated by wildfires. Contributions made to FireAid in connection with the FireAid benefit concert and other direct donations will be distributed under the advisement of the Annenberg Foundation and will be distributed for short-term relief efforts and long-term initiatives to prevent future fire disasters throughout Southern California. The Annenberg Foundation, with decades of philanthropic leadership in our community, including rapid response, will help coordinate a team to direct funds for the greatest impact.
Two venues. One night. Your favorite artists coming together for music & solidarity. Shows start at 6pm. Tickets go on sale January 22nd at noon.
#FireAid #FireAidBenefit #Billieeilish #Redhotchilipeppers #Gracieabrams #Ladygaga #Katyperry #Pink #Gwenstefani #Tatemcrae #Earthwindandfire #Greenday #Jellyroll #Jonimitchell #Lilbaby #Rodstewart #Sting #Stephenstills #Stevienicks #Davematthews #Johnmayer #SetlistGuy @Billieeilish @Redhotchilipeppers @Gracieabrams @Ladygaga @Katyperry @Pink @Gwenstefani @Tatemcrae @Earthwindandfire @Greenday @Jellyroll @Jonimitchell @Lilbaby @Rodstewart @Sting @Stephenstills @Stevienicks @Davematthews @Johnmayer @SetlistGuy